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Twente Smokkeltrail 2023

Twentse Smokkeltrail 2023 - Trail.nl

The Twentse Smokkel Trail guarantees a sporty re-experiencing of the old smuggling past in the border area of ​​Losser and Grafschaft Bentheim. It is a small-scale and fun event, organized by volunteers. The trail is more than 90% unpaved! This trail is made possible by the INTERREG V A Program Deutschland-Nederland and co-financed by the European Union.

Distances Twentse Smokkeltrail

You can participate in the following distances:

  • 10 Kilometer
  • 14.55 Kilometer (also as walking trail)
  • 27 Kilometer  (also as a walking trail)

Details Twente Smokkeltrail

  • Date: November 5, 2023
  • Location:Losser, Overijssel

Register Twentse Smokkeltrail

More information and registration via this link: https://www.twentsesmokkeltrail.nl/