Welcome to Trail.nl

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and only process your personal data for the purpose for which you provided it and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the Telecommunications Act.

1. Company details

Company name: Trail.nl
Website: https://trail.nl
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 62176625
VAT number: NL001890211B34

2. Email address

  • We can, in the context of a concluded agreement, make you offers about similar products and services, provided that you have not objected to this. The option to object is stated at the time of providing your data. In addition, in every communication you will be offered the opportunity to object to further use of your e-mail address under the same conditions.
  • When collecting your email address for reasons other than in the context of a concluded agreement, it will not be used to transmit unsolicited communications without your consent.

3. Postal address

We do NOT use your postal address (received in the context of a sale) to send advertising messages with information about products and services. We do use it to ship the order and therefore also share it with the logistics partners we work with.

4. Phone number

We do not use your telephone number  for commercial purposes.

5. Other personal data

We only process other personal data (by means of cookies, reading peripheral equipment or otherwise) if:

  1. the data processing is necessary for:
    • the execution of an agreement concluded with you;
    • the proper fulfillment of a public law task;
    • the pursuit of our legitimate interest (unless your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms prevail over this interest), or;
  2. you have given permission for the processing when collecting this.

We will in any case not store your data for longer than is necessary for the processing of the purposes for which it was collected.

6. Special personal data

In the context of offering products or services that may interest you, we may pass on data of persons who have made their data available to organizations with which we are contractually linked, when this is necessary;

  • for the execution of an agreement concluded with you;
  • for the proper fulfillment of a public law task;
  • for the pursuit of our legitimate interest unless your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms take precedence over this interest.

If the above grounds do not apply, we will ask your permission before the data is shared with third parties.

For more information, please consult the 'privacy policy' of:

  • Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/intl/nl/policies/privacy/

7. Security transferring and receiving data

  • When we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use encryption technologies that are recognized as common standards within the IT sector;
  • We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, unauthorized use or modification of information we receive on our site;

8. Security data storage

 Safety criteria

  • A secure connection is used on the page where you provide personal data.
  • Passwords are always stored hashed.
  • We store as little customer data as possible and ensure that no particularly sensitive personal data is stored in our database, unless this is otherwise necessary.
  • Sending personal data by e-mail is done via a secure connection.
  • We take technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss of data or unlawful processing (such as attacks). We therefore guarantee an appropriate level of security and have our site tested periodically.
  • All systems in which (sensitive) personal data are processed are equipped with antivirus software and the latest security-related patches of all other important software, as issued by the suppliers of this software.

9. Access your data

Upon request, we inform visitors to our website about the personal data that is processed about them. Any incorrect data can be corrected, supplemented or deleted. If you would like to access this information, or correct your personal information, please contact us at the address below.

10. Contact

If you wish to respond to our Privacy Policy, please contact:

  • To the following email address: mail@trail.nl
  • On the following telephone number: +31 20 308 6088

If you would like us to anonymize or remove your data from our system, please feel free to contact us.

This privacy policy may be changed at any time. We will publish these changes here and, where appropriate, you will be notified by email.