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Materiaalverzorging - Trail.nl

Material care


Material Care: Keep Your Outdoor Gear in Top Condition

Your gear takes a beating during intense outdoor adventures. That's why proper gear care is essential to extend the life of your gear and keep it performing at its best. Trail.nl we offer an extensive collection of products to get your gear back in top shape.

For waterproof clothing and equipment you can use special waterproof sprays or wash-in products. These restore the water-repellent layer of your jackets, trousers and tents, so you stay dry during rainy trips.

Shoes also deserve extra attention. By regularly cleaning your shoes polish and waterproof with a suitable spray or wax, you protect them from dirt, water and wear. This ensures that your feet stay dry and comfortable, even under tough conditions.

With the right care, your equipment will stay in good condition for longer, so you can head out into the great outdoors with confidence.

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