View all trail runs in the Netherlands here

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FAQ and advice for trail runners

What is trail running and how do you start?

What is trail running?

In recent years, trail running, the sport of running through pristine natural trails, has revolutionized the world of athletics and outdoor activities. What started as a niche activity has grown into a movement that inspires people around the world to put on their running shoes and dive into the wilderness.

Read more - Trail running: The Ultimate Connection with Nature

How do you start trail running?

Trail running is much more than just running. It is an adventurous way to explore nature, push your physical limits and experience a sense of freedom that you will not easily find in the city. If you're considering getting into trail running, this article is your perfect guide. We'll show you step-by-step how to get started in this exciting and rewarding sport.

Read more - Trail Running: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started

What are you taking with you?

Which shoes do I need?

You have specific shoes for each type of run or hike. View our shoe overview for all our models and some advice.

Is there a packing list that needs to be included?

Nothing is more annoying than finding out at the start that you have forgotten things. That's why we have some handy packing lists with items you shouldn't forget.

Read more - Packing list: What to take with you on a trail run?

How do you take your things with you?

If you know what you want to take with you on the road, you can start thinking about how you want to take it with you. Only a handheld? An old-fashioned belt? A running belt? Or a complete vest?

Read more - Advice on drinking systems

Sticks or poles. Yes or no?

Trail running is a challenging sport that allows you to experience the beauty of nature while pushing your physical limits. For some trail runners, running poles are an indispensable tool, while others prefer to run without them. Let's look at the pros and cons of taking poles on a trail run so you can decide if they're right for your next adventure.

Read more - The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Running Poles during a Trail Run

Training and routes

Is there a training schedule?

Training for a trail run requires a specific approach as these races take place on uneven terrain with varying elevation changes and natural obstacles. Here's a blog with some important aspects to keep in mind when preparing for a trail run. There are also some basic schedules at the bottom.

Read more - Training for a trail run.

How do you train altimeters in the Netherlands?

Trail running is an adventure sport that often involves challenging elevation changes and mountainous terrain. But what if you live in the Netherlands and have no mountains nearby? No problem! Although the Netherlands is generally known for its flat landscape, there are still ways to train elevation gain for your next trail run.

Read more - How and where to train elevation gain in the Netherlands.

Where can I find fun GPX routes to train or run?

Do you want a fun run to train or are you on holiday in your own country and are you looking for a nice local trail? Then take a look at our page with GPX files for a nice route nearby.

How do I put those routes on my watch?

Putting GPX files on your sports watch is not that difficult anymore these days. Even without cables or computers, you can transfer the routes directly from your smartphone to your clock. Here is the explanation for Garmin and for Coros.

Nutrition for the trails?

What do you eat before, during and after a run?

You eat and drink something different at various times before, during or after a run or training. To make this difference clear, we have created three categories containing the right stuff for the right time. Check them out here:

More advice and further reading

I'm looking for a trail community!

See Trail.NL as a guide to the trails. We will send you in the right direction. Are you looking for a community with other trail runners? Then take a look at Trailrunning Community or MudSweatTrails (MST.)

Are there also nice podcasts?

When boredom strikes during a long run, it is wonderful to listen to an inspiring podcast. We list a number of them:

Of course there are dozens of American podcasts about running and trail running .

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