Sea to Summit
Roland Tyson started making outdoor gear in 1983 at the age of 17 on an old industrial sewing machine in his childhood room. As a young outdoor enthusiast, Roland realized he had a passion and talent for creating cutting-edge outdoor equipment. He was soon designing and producing equipment for other Australian adventurers. By 1991, after completing an unusual first ascent of Mount Everest (a trek of more than 700 miles (1,126 kilometers) from sea level to a solo summit at 28,000 feet (8,848 meters), Sea to Summit was born.
Rolands striving to design the best, lightest and most durable equipment took him further into the remote Australian outback and eventually to the Himalayas. In these wild places he could put his inventions to the ultimate test.
In 1993, Penny Sanderson joined Roland after six years with Australian Geographic. Her passion for exploration and innovation was a perfect fit for Sea to Summit. Together they traveled several months a year, climbing, sailing, hiking, overlanding and cycling. Everywhere they went, they tested products and improved design.
Sea to Summit quickly grew into a successful global brand, with Penny and Roland's love of travel and design as its foundation. Together they manage Sea to Summit, still involved in every step of the journey, from developing raw materials to putting sophisticated equipment into the hands of customers around the world.