Welcome to Trail.nl

Vacancy: store employee Amsterdam

Vacature: winkelmedewerker Amsterdam - Trail.nl

Do you like to run? Preferably through nature? And do you have a passion for good stuff to do that? Then this is the perfect job for you. In addition to the Trail.NL web store, we will start a real store in Amsterdam in 2024. Aimed at trail runners, light hikers and mud runners. Basically all running adventures outside the paved road.


You will be partly responsible for the store and the webshop. Tasks will be very varied. From helping customers to posting on social media. And from unpacking new shipments to answering customer questions. Nice and varied


The fact that you are a runner yourself is of course a plus. Furthermore, flexibility and interest in the products are desirable. Whether you can only go on Saturdays or several days during the week, both are possible. 

More info

Does this sound like something to you or do you have more questions? Please feel free to contact us at mail@trail.nl.