Mountain Mornings - The perfect start for every trail runner
Start your day with the energy you need to take on any challenge. "Mountain Mornings" is a full-bodied and powerful blend, specially roasted for trail runners who hit the trail early. Made from carefully selected beans from Brazil, Honduras and Vietnam, this coffee has a layered flavor and a delicious finish. With a medium+ roast, it offers just the bite you need to stay sharp and energized.
Whether you go for a pure espresso or a creamy milk version, "Mountain Mornings" gives you the boost you need. Perfect for hospitality and companies, but also ideal for home workers who want a taste of adventure in their morning coffee.
- Compound: Brazil, Honduras, Vietnam
- Fire profile: Medium+ roast
- Intensity: Stronger than average
- Suitable for: Espresso, black coffee, and milk variants
Start your morning like a trail runner – full of energy and with a powerful cup of "Mountain Mornings"!
Our coffee is locally roasted by KOVI. At KOVI, everything revolves around local and social production, where every cup of coffee tells its own story.
Sustainability and transparent sourcing of coffee beans are our priorities, and we roast entirely electrically with solar energy.
Our unique partnership with IJmondWerkt, a social workplace, allows talented employees to lovingly package our coffee. Together we are committed to social impact and opportunities for the community.
Our focus is local, from roasting coffee to serving customers and forging partnerships with local partners.
Bij KOVI draait alles om lokale en sociale productie, waarbij elk kopje koffie een eigen verhaal vertelt.
Duurzaamheid en transparante inkoop van koffiebonen zijn onze prioriteiten, en we branden volledig elektrisch met zonne-energie.
Onze unieke samenwerking met IJmondWerkt, een sociale werkplaats, laat getalenteerde medewerkers met liefde onze koffie verpakken. Samen zetten we ons in voor sociale impact en kansen voor de gemeenschap.
Onze focus is lokaal, van het roasten van koffie tot bedienen van klanten en smeden van samenwerkingen met lokale partners.
Vragen over Trail.NL | Mountain Mornings Blend | Coffee?
Vragen over Trail.NL | Mountain Mornings Blend | Coffee?
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